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Bio and Resume


Hello, my name is Jess! I recently graduated summa cum laude with my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University. I am continuing my academic career at UC San Diego, in the Mechanical Engineering Department PhD program.


I am a creative thinker and disciplined self-starter who blends a strong work ethic and interpersonal skills to successfully complete complex projects. I thrive in fast-paced environments, assume leadership roles, and understand the importance of teamwork. I've completed projects under marine engineering, product design, and robotics, and I work every day to blend my passion for design with my technical knowledge.



Northeastern University


John Jay High School

Dean’s List, 2020—2024 | Cumulative GPA: 3.97

  • Coursework: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Calculus 1-3, Experience Design, Statics/Mechanics/Dynamics, Thermodynamics/Fluid Mechanics/Heat Transfer, Systems Design and Control

  • Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship

  • Undergraduate Research PEAK Award

  • Robotics research with the Institute for Experiential Robotics and PARSES Lab

  • Generate: Project Lead of 13 interdisciplinary engineers for a entrepreneurial prototyping organization, was an engineer on multiple semester long projects, worked with clients to deliver prototyping needs (2022-2024)

  • Forge: Outreach Director for a student-run entrepreneurial engineering organization, created, hired, and managed marketing and branding team (2021-2022)

Valedictorian / 522 Students | Cumulative GPA: 4.0

  • National Merit Finalist

  • National Honor Society, Inducted 2019

  • Math Honor Society, 2016—2020: Served as Vice President, Treasurer and Member

  • Science Olympiad, 2018—2020: Won 2nd place in forensic and anatomy competition at regional championships (2019 & 2020). Led team to compete in state championships (2019 & 2020).

  • STEM Program, Naval War College: Completed a week-long academic program for outstanding high school students focused on marine engineering. Built and coded a robot, July 2018.

Work Experience

PARSES Lab - NU                                                          July 2023-May 2024

Undergraduate Researcher


Assembled negative pressure control board for pneumatically controlled Kresling-inspired units. Assisted in the development of open and closed-loop control code, sensor design, and integration of capacitive sensors with flexible actuation.

Amazon Robotics                                                          Jan 2023-June 2023

Innovation Lab Robotics Engineer Co-op


Mechanical Engineer for the Innovation Lab. Completed work for various projects at once, reaching each project’s goals. Participated in management brainstorms, brought state of the art ideas to life. Expanded skills in software and large-scale process improvements.

Institute for Experiential Robotics                           Jan 2022-June 2022

Full-time Mechanical Engineering Co-op


Contributed to projects that are advancing the field while working on my own research project. Designed / constructed / installed fixtures, mounts, test beds, and parts for robotics projects through machine shop and fabrication techniques. Managed 3D printing for all lab projects and improved material sustainability. Learned and implemented robotics concepts and tech such as ROS, machine learning, robotic arms, various sensors, and literature reviews.

Fine Dining & Casual Restaurants—Hopewell Junction,

New York & Newport, Rhode Island                                                            2018—2021
Server/ Trainer / Hostess & Food Runner

Developed customer service, time management and staff training skills while advancing through the front-line ranks at Fresh, La Forge and Patsy’s Roadhouse. Became comfortable in fast-paced environments. Worked 30 to 40 hours/week.


Generate | Boston, Massachusetts                                                                         2022—2024

Team Lead and Member of Northeastern's student led product development studio

NU Club Rugby | Boston, Massachusetts                                                             2021—2024

Member, Scrum-half

Forge | Boston, Massachusetts                                                                                 2021—2022

Outreach Director ('21-'22), Member ('21)

Established, hired, and managed the marketing and branding team for a student-run product design organization.

A few fun things I worked on while directing outreach: a College of Engineering Instagram

Takeover, a lecture I gave on design and design programs, a paint night collaboration with

NU Mural Club, and business cards! 

NU Sci Magazine | Boston, Massachusetts                                                          2020—2022
Research, design, and publish 250 to 750-word articles on marine biology and engineering, forensic science and materials science.

Society of Women Engineers | Boston, Massachusetts                                  2020—2024


Meet to participate in projects, networking and career building events, and volunteering for the Boston community. Aided in multiple trash clean ups, phone-athons, and a blood drive. Attended the 2020 SWE National Conference and listened to great lectures and amazing women. Attended the 2022 Recognition Banquet alongside other engineering clubs and got to appreciate how much these clubs mean to us. 

NU Mural Club | Boston, Massachusetts                                                              2020—2022

Event Committee Member

Met weekly to plan projects and events, carry out creative design activities, and volunteer for the Boston community. Helped paint a mutual aid shed.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Boston, Massachusetts            2020—2024


Meet to participate in networking and career advice events and listen to industry speakers. Attended the Bootcamp for Spring 2021: improved soldering and wiring skills, built a computerized tic-tac-toe board.

Volunteer Artist | Newport, Rhode Island                                                                  2016—2019

Newport Art Museum Fundraiser Contributor

Created original art to be auctioned off - and money donated - at Newport Art Museum's 'Wet Paint' Event that raises money each year. 

Volunteering | Hopewell Jct, New York                                                                       2017—2019


Weekly tutoring sessions of multiple children in all school subjects K-12 at local library.

Volunteering | Newport, Rhode Island                                                                                     2017

Lab Volunteer

Volunteered in blood lab and CAT scan rooms at Newport Hospital twice-weekly.



  • Robotics  

  • Painting and Graphic Design

  • Rugby

  • Art Museums 

Get in Touch!


  • NU Undergraduate Research PEAK Award

  • Lockheed Martin Scholar (2020-2024)

  • Dean's List (2020-2024)

  • Honors Program, NU

  • Scholastic Art Awards, Gold and Silver Keys (2016-2018)

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